2022 Presidents AGM Report

President’s report

On behalf of the committee, I would like to thank all those that have attended our club AGM today.

The last AGM we held was in 2020, when we were in the depths of Covid the committee felt that it was best to cancel the AGM for that year. Although that was not totally kosha the exceptional circumstances of the time had bought this on, and as we had had nearly a year of lock down and no events there was really nothing the cover. The committee okayed the financials for the 2020 – 2021 year.

Members: We currently have 120 members with is a mix of paid, life, Motorsport NZ, and associate members. We still regularly get new members but do get a drop off at membership renewal time, which incidentally is this month.

Advertising events: In the last couple of years, we have had to get our heads around the social media side of things. You will all be aware that social media has changed advertising We have noticed a drop off of usage on the forum. Although it is still used regularly, but not to the extent of earlier years. We now use both Facebook and the Z web site mediums to advertise any events. We have noticed that Facebook certainly gets the message out there.

Web site: Our Web site is going well. We have recently had to do a few changes, one particularly to the search engine side of the site. All our events are posted on our web site and images from our events are also in our Gallery. Currently we are working on being able to allow people to post that you are attending an event. If you look at our next event in July, “Moses car collection” you will see that we have a trial registration under way. Looking at it today we have 4 people registered so far.

Newsletters: All our members should have been receiving our quarterly newsletters. It has been quite hard during the covid crisis as we really didn’t have any events. But we have still managed to get newsletters out. We also send out our Spotlight articles which feature a member’s car, or some work done to a Zed. These go out twice a year. I am hanging out for articles, so if you have something of interest, please let me know. I have a list of points for you to write about. Don’t worry if you can’t write because we have good editors in the club and we will rehash and make it into great article. We really need some pictures along with these as well.

Events so far:

So far we have had five events. We were proposing another track day, but unfortunately Covid messed that up and we had to cancel that. We are really struggling with the track days as we do not get enough entrants, and this annual event is under review by the committee.

We also missed The Ellerslie Intermark Concourse as this was also cancelled due to Covid.

Motorkhana: held on the 16th May 2021. This was held at the Waikaraka Speedway in the pits. We had a about 13 cars attend, a few no Zeds, and a good contingent of Mazda MX5 people. This was a well-received event and those that attended enjoyed it.

Coromandel Loop: 28th May 2021 This was an overnighter; we meet in Thames and Stayed the night in Coromandel and cruised back to Auckland. We would have had about 20 cars in Thames and about 8 cars that completed the entire run.

Z Garage Tour: on the 17th of July 2021. This event was well attended, and we finished at Kelvins for some Soup and Eats.

We then had Covid interruption again

Waikato – Auckland: 29th May 2022. 12 cars attended. We met at Mercer and cruised the back roads to Raglan where we had a feed and get together at a local café. I would like to say a big thank you to the Waikato folk as we always see a good turn out when they are involved.

Trial and Grub: 5th June 2022. We had 5 cars come along and followed a route though Auckland and finished with a bite and drink at the Speights Alehouse in St Johns. We even had a Waikato member attend. Was great to get together with fellow Zeders.

We have one more event planed for July and others in the makings. The next event is a visit to Moses Machines, Shaun Moses runs a business importing JDM cars, and specializes on Importing cars to order especially classic cars. He also has a reasonable collection of JDM cars that he has collected over the years and will have these on display for us. There will be BBQ and drinks afterwards.

There are pictures for all these events in the Gallery on the web site.

From here: As you can see the committee has been very active and I would personally like to thank all the past and current committee members for their work and commitment. We have managed to recruit three new committee members and look forward to working with them.

We will continue to work on what we already have. The Web page was a big one for us and we will further refine this as needed.

We are also looking into setting regional representatives to try to create more interest outside of Auckland. We are well aware that being Auckland based, it all happens up here and are keen to see some action in the other regions. This will be a bit of a challenge, but we feel that it is doable and are even able to include in committee meetings via video link.

That is about it from me, personally I would like to thank all club members for their support. Together we can keep Zed community alive and well.


Also under events


Trial and Grubb 18th August details to follow.

Go-Karts Sunday the 18th September at Hampton. Arrive 1.30pm start 2.00pm

How to get the best from your L- Series Engine: Held on the 30th October details to follow

Rotorua Event: To be held in November, This will be an overnight event. details to follow.

Aircraft restoration. Pioneer Aviation: Event will take place the workshop at Ardmore Airfield. Details to follow and date still to set


Many Thanks

Bernie Kant

President Z Club of NZ