Annual General Meeting 2024

President’s Report 2023

On behalf of the committee, I would like to thank all those that have made the time to come here today.


The committee meets monthly, and we spend most of our time planning events. This year we have completed our work on the Web Site. We now have the ability to do event pop ups for when people click into the site and use All Teams web developers to help us load the site up. Our next big task is to get more committee members. To do this we are working on being able to hold our committee meetings online, we have found that some members are keen to help but not keen to travel for the meetings, this could also involve out of Auckland members and lead to events that are not Auckland based.

Changing social trends still tend to be a challenge and although we still have consistent membership, we are finding that we don’t have a lot of attendance at the events we organize. This is quite challenging, but as long as we have people attending events, we will continue to hold them. All events are not only advertised via our web site, but we regularly send out event notices to members and we are using Facebook as well.

It would be helpful if we had someone who has good knowledge of social media and could help us out with this. As I have mentioned previously, we have an aging committee and some of our committee members have been doing this job for over 20 years, and it would be good if we could give them a break.


To date we have 104 members, our members have dropped from 120 to around 100. Although this is a little lower than last year, we regularly get new members.


The Nissan Zed is still a popular sports car, and as I have said the 350, 370 series still remain the best bang for your buck in this sector of the market.

In the last year the older models have gained value. We have seen tidy 240’s selling for close to the 100k mark. With everything else shifting as well. The 300ZX has sat low for a long time but is now starting to rise in value.

The new 400Z has set a new benchmark for the industry and although has only been out for short time once they start to be imported, I would suspect that they to will be very popular.


These still come out once a quarter and they usually encompass a bit of rambling from me and reports on the various events we have held. We also send out the occasional Spotlight, and I am always looking for content for these. If any members have a build or something interesting they would like to share I would love to hear about it and turn it into a Spotlight article.


We try to hold at least one event a month, we have had a few events in the Waikato as there are quite a few members there who a very active event wise. We have always welcomed non-club members but are now relying on these people to hold the bigger events, we need them to help make these events financially viable. We are still looking at a Track Day, but it is looking like we may need to hold this in conjunction with a track “club day” as we are struggling to get the numbers and the costs to hold these events are starting to escalate out of our reach.

Past events:

Drift Karts, Quartey Meet and Greets, Regular cruises, combined events with the Mini Club, and our big event for this year was the Drag Day.

We have more events in the wings, and these will be posted on our Web Site as soon as we have these finalized.

From me:

I would personally like to thank our committee members who put time and effort into coming to committee meetings and help not only with organizing, but also help us work in the direction of the club. I know I speak for the rest of the committee; we all share a love for the Zed mark of cars, and it is with great pleasure we work with our club members to promote them. I would also like to give a big shout out to Steve Newenham who has just finished his time on the committee. Steve my thanks to you and the support you have offered to the club.

We would like to thank Club members that commit to us with their annual fee as this allows us to undertake the work we do. As you know everything has a cost.

It’s always good to get feedback from members after a Newsletter has be sent out. Keep it up, many thanks.

Bernie Kant

President and Membership Coordinator