Annual General Meeting 2023

President’s report  2023

On behalf of the committee, I would like to thank all those that have made the time to come here today. Its been an interesting time for us as a club, we have come out of Covid and have been able to reinstate our events.  The committee has been very busy this with especially with the work it has undertaken to update our Web site and Forum.

Committee:   The committee meets monthly, and we spend most of our time planning events, recently we have had to dedicate a lot of time into future thinking, we are very aware of trends and changes and work hard to ensure we keep up with these.  I would like to thank all the committee members for their work over the past year.  We are always on the lookout for new committee members so if you have the inclination to help, please put your hand up.

Members:  To date we have 124 members, 120 is the number we seem to hover around, and although we do see bit of a drop when we send out membership renewals, we seem to pick up new ones during the year which keeps our membership at around 120.

Cars:  The new Zed has been bit of a highlight for us in the past year,  we reached out to Nissan and had a display of members zeds and the New car from Nissan.  We have also been able to secure the new zed for our display at the forthcoming Ellerslie concourse.  Nissan also allowed me to have one of these cars for a weekend and you will have seen my report on this in the last newsletter, Anthony has also given it an enthusiastic run and my intention is to do a Spotlight article on his report of this drive. We have also seen the values of our zed cars starting to increase over the past view years with a really good 240 being worth up to 100k.  This has slowed a bit because of the current financial times.  I have noticed that there seem to be a slight increase to the 350 market and the 300’s have also gone up in value.

Web Site:  I reported last year that we had work underway to refresh our web site, it is 4 years since we set up the web site and in today’s world this is something that needs to be kept up to date on a regular basis.  My thanks to Stuart Horn who has spent many hours working through this.  As well as our web site work, we are looking into better integration with face book as this seems to be what people are into.  Social media has changed the information world and we are on the lookout for someone who would be keen to help us in this area.

Constitution:   Its about 10 years since our constitution was updated.  Again we thank Stuart for the many hours he has put into this along with other members of the committee.  Tonight we are able to present the finale draught which the committee is happy with and with your endorsement it can be submitted to Registrar.

Newsletters:   These still come out one a quarter and they usually encompass a bit of rambling from me and reports on the various events we have held.  We also send out the occasional Spotlight, and I am always looking for content for these.  If any members have a build or something interesting, they would like to share I would love to hear about it and turn it into a Spotlight article.

Events:  We hold at least one event a month, we have had a few events in the Waikato as there are quite a few members there who a very active event wise.

Trial and Grub                                         June 2022

Get the best of you L series engine     July 2022

Moses car Collection                               July 2022

Trail and Grub                                           August 2022

Go Karts at Hampton Downs                 September 2022

Meet and Greet                                        September 2022

New Nissan Z Reveal                                October 2022

Meet and Greet                                        November 2022

Kawhia Run and Lunch                            November 2022

Waikato garage Tour                               Feb 2023

Meet and Greet                                        April 2023

Coming:    Ellerslie Car Show                  April 2023

Meet and Greet                                        May 2023

Kumeu North Cruise                                May 2023

Meet and Greet in Hamilton                  June 2023

We have more events in the wings and these will be posted on our Web Site as soon as we have these finalized.

From me: I would like to personally thank the committee for their work over the past year, it’s one of those tasks that takes up a lot of your time, most of which is not visual to members, but is there none the less.  I would also like to thank Club members that commit to us with their annual fee as this allows us to undertake the work we do.  As you know everything has a cost.

I get regular correspondence from members during the year, either in in advice or question, re: parts or contacts for repairs etc.  Please do not hesitate to reach out to me if you need anything.

Bernie Kant

President and Membership coordinator


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