Newsletter Issue 15 – June 2024

From the Editor:

We are at the end of the second quarter and well into the year. In this newsletter I am going to spend a bit of time reflecting on our club, past and present. I will highlight our past events and remind you of the events we have coming up.

I would also like at this time, to thank those that came along to our AGM. I am pleased to say that we had a very good attendance.

On a personal note, you have received the last spotlight newsletter where I showed the work, I had done on Dan’s 240Z in replacing some of his rusty floor. I still have an article coming on the RX7 that I did the bodywork on and prepared for paint. The painting has been completed and I went to the paint shop and refitted the exterior parts for the owner. I was unable to take any pictures as the car was covered in a very fine layer of paint shop dust, and the paint was too fresh to blow or wipe off. As soon as I can get to the owner’s place, I will get some finished pictures and publish something. I will outline what is involved in preparing a car for a top-quality paint job. I think the amount of work that goes into a car that started out in quite reasonable condition will surprise you. My next project is to complete the work I have started on my sons Nissan EXA. In an earlier Spotlight article, I covered the front bumper which I made for this car.


Not much to report here, we didn’t meet this month as two of our committee were unable to make the meeting and we really didn’t have much to cover. We had events planned and they just needed finalising, which you will see has been done.

As a committee it is our aim to provide value to our members. We are very aware that each of you pay a sub each year and we want to give you value for that. Hence the regular newsletters and Spotlight articles. We have decided to again leave the fee at $30.00, as it is enough for us to operate the club and is not a great expense for our members. Unfortunately, we must raise the Motorsport NZ fee, as Motorsport NZ has set a minimum fee payable from clubs. This does come at a big disadvantage to smaller clubs. How that plays out will depend on how many Motorsport members we have.


Something I have wanted to cover, is a little history regarding this club. For those that don’t know, the club was started in 1981 and was mainly created for those that were keen on racing. The club held regular events at Pukekohe and other tracks. Although I was not involved at that time, the club had a good healthy membership, and it was not unusual to have 20 or 30 cars at events. In the day the new Z car was as good as if not better than the Porsches. I have been in the club for about 18 years and joined at a time when the racing side of it had slowed down. Although at that time we still had a track event every year. These were held at Taupo as it was central for the North Islanders. We held these events annually and they were very well attended. We haven’t had a track event for some years, as the administration, cost effectiveness and enthusiasm just don’t seem to be there anymore. Although the enthusiasm for race events has reduced, the enthusiasm for the Z car certainly has not. For us, I guess the reintroduction of a new Z in recent years has been quite exciting. We currently have 6 members with the new Nissan Z.

Over the years, many different people have held positions on the committee and because of the work they have done, we still have a well-run club today. I believe that the survival of the Z cars has been greatly helped by the existence of this club. Times are however a changing and as with all clubs and associations things have got a little tougher, and we recognise that. People are working longer hours; money has to go a lot further than it used to. We are being pulled from all sides to help and do stuff. The biggest challenge for us is the introduction of social media. People don’t need to meet physically to stay in touch and seem to be more content to do things online rather than step out and meet. There are also positive sides to this. Many of you will see that we are using Facebook to advertise events now. This was positively demonstrated with our Drag Day event where the number of non-club members far outweighed club members. Also, it has allowed us to consider doing remote committee meetings. The upside of this is that we can include members from outside of Auckland, as well as events throughout NZ. Our intentions have been good but unfortunately, we are all of an age where these things are bit of struggle for us. As a result, we are on the lookout for someone to help us out with this. It doesn’t need to be someone from Auckland. If you have this capability and feel its something you would be willing to commit to, please contact me ( We have some commitment to help on the committee if we are able to hold these meeting on line.

I would also like to give a very big thank you to Steve Newenham who has served on the committee for a very long time. Steve has sold his 260Z and no longer serves on the committee. Steve, we offer you our thanks for the years of faithful service and wish you the best for your future.

Past Events:

Forgotten Highway Tour:

What promised to be great weekend was spoilt a bit by some bad weather, however it this was still a fun weekend.

Friday: We arrived at the National Park Hotel late afternoon. Jeff had arrived before us, so once we were settled in, we headed to the bar for some drinks. Later we had dinner together and welcomed Rod and Elena to the Hotel.

Saturday: It’s not often the weather forecast is correct, but it was spot on this day. We woke up to mist and rain, and it went from bad to worse during the day. We went to breakfast together to find that the cook had not turned up, so there was nothing cooked available. Not really a problem, after breakfast we headed back to our rooms to pack up, check out, and head to Taumarunui for our first coffee stop. Spoiler alert, McDonalds Taumarunui make a terrible coffee, (Not recommended.)

We left Taumarunui in mediocre weather, heading down the Forgotten World Highway. The weather then started to close in. Marty set the pace for us in his 300ZX, and we followed him. There wasn’t a lot of traffic to worry about, I guess all the wise people stayed home nice and comfy.

Travelling down the highway through to Whangamomona is always extremely scenic and a great drive, and although the weather was not good it still proved to be the case, with a bit of rain and mist thrown in. I was surprised at how many people were at the Hotel. We had a really nice lunch together. (I can recommend this place) It’s a very welcoming place, and the food is great.

We headed out together, this time with me leading the pace in our 350Z. The weather got no better, but I have to say I really enjoyed the drive. There is really nothing to dislike about it. Unfortunately, the weather put paid to any stops along the route as the rain just got heavier. We left the Highway to meet at our third stop for the day, the Taranaki Pioneer Village and Café, only to find that the café was closed due to transferring ownership, and the village tour, being outdoors, meant getting wet. We made do with the few displays inside the main office and headed to our accommodation (Auto Motor Lodge Inn New Plymouth) for the night. We dined together that night, and turned in after a few drinks.

Sunday: We had agreed to meet again for breakfast and enjoyed a good buffet breakfast, after which we all departed our own ways and headed back home.

The End: This is only the second time I have done this drive, but despite the rain on this trip, it’s a very enjoyable drive. Drive it as you wish, slowly to enjoy the scenery, or quickly to enjoy the road, either way it’s a good day out. There was a bit of gravel to drive through, but judging by the roadworks they are sealing this. There was notably less gravel than last time. Presently the road is closed during the week and opened again in the weekends. The last time we did this event, the top of the Highway just out of Taumarunui was closed and we had to head North and turn into Opotiki Rd, link onto Ararimu East Rd through to the very small township of Otunui and back on to the Forgotten Highway. You only shave a very small part of the Highway, but the extra drive is both scenic and a great drive. I highly recommend this route having done both.

We will run this event again in the years to come. So, if you are keen on a great social weekend and some scenic and great driving roads join us next time. My thanks To Marty Blackburn, Jeff MacGroucutt and Rod and Elena Chubb for joining this event, we enjoyed your company and had a really good weekend.

Annual General meeting:

It was great to see some good numbers this year. My thanks to those that can along, especially those that came from the Waikato, my sincere thanks for the effort you made to attend.
The club finances were presented and approved. Also, the positions for the committee were ratified. President was myself, Bernie Kant, secretary was Murray Chapman, and treasurer was Jeanette Kant. Regular committee members Dale Maxwell, Anthony Baker and Stuart Horne.

The president’s report was presented, covering the past year, and where the committee is currently at. This report is on our web site if you would like to read it.

The meeting was finished with a bit of social time and some pizza. The above picture is of one of the two blue Nissan Z’s in attendance.

Coming Events:

Meet and Greet

27th June 2024 7.00pm.

Good Home Birkenhead. 83 Birkenhead Ave NorthShore Auckland. 7.00pm Come and join us for some refreshments, meet and chat with your fellow club members.

Nikau Café Cruise

30th June 2024

Two meeting points:
Waikato: Ngaruawahia BP Arrive 10.00am Leaving 10.30am
Auckland: Drury BP Service Centre Papakura, just off the Motorway. Arrive 9.45am Leaving 10.15am

Come and join us on this event, bring your family and friends, your daily car is most welcome.

Arriving at Café approx. 11.30am

Please indicate your attendance in

We are not including the Caves in our event.

If you want to enter the caves you need to pay and book ahead.

Mini Club Fish and Chip Cruise

14th July 2024 10.15am
Start point is the top of the Bombay Hill at Coffee Club. Back road to Kaiaua for lunch, then up the coast road to Clevedon for an Ice Cream.

New Event – Targa Tour Cruise

28th July 2024

Meeting point: Hampton Downs Raceway Café 10.00am starting with a brief chat aiming to leave around 10.30am

Take a Tour cruising down some of the roads used for the Targa events. Peter Martin from targa NZ has offered to take a run with Club members through some of the Targa sections. We also aim to have the actual notes that are used in the Targa Events to make this event more meaningful.

Please note: This NOT a speed Targa Event, all normal Road rules will apply.

Please indicate your attendance in our events page

As President of the club, I would like to thank all our members for playing a part in this club. Without you there would be no club.

Also, a reminder that June is our annual fee renewal time, and fees are now due. If you have decided not to rejoin, I thank you for your past membership and wish you all the best in the future. If you do intend to continue membership and have not done so, could you please dig out the email I sent and submit you fee payment.

Again Many Thanks

Bernie Kant
President Z Club of NZ