From the Editor
In this newsletter we have some successful events to report on and some exciting events coming up. We also recently held our club AGM.
But first I would like to reflect on the collector car market. I don’t know if you are like me, but I follow all the Classic stuff coming up for sale on Trade Me. I have several saved searches that are emailed to me every day, and I enjoy looking through them to see what is coming up.
You will be aware that through the pandemic we saw collectable vehicles start to increase in value, followed more recently by a softening in value. I have noticed some interesting trends happening.
First, I would like to point out the difference between collectibles and classics. Collectables are cars that are desirable and generally go for good money. Classics are older cars, usually 30 – 40 years old and over, and are desirable but not necessarily collectable. They are cool to own but you wouldn’t pay big money for one, and very few people would spend big money on them. With the values of collectable cars increasing, it seems that people are checking out Trade Me and basing their perceived value on inflated prices of cars that actually are not selling. I have put quite a few on my watch list to follow, and they usually close without selling. Of course at the moment, with things tightening up, it will harder to sell. If you are looking at buying anything, do your homework.
Past Events
Auckland Waikato Run. This was held in May, and we had about 12 cars in total. We met at Mercer and cruised though the back roads to Raglan. This was a really good meet as the roads through there were in really good condition, which always makes a drive much more enjoyable. Although we had a bit of rain, this didn’t deter anybody. We met for lunch at Rock-It-kitchen just out of Raglan, managing to get a table big enough for all of us.
For more pictures see our events gallery on the Club Web site https://zclub.nz/events-gallery/
Trial and Grubb: A June event, we met at Stone and Water World car park and had to follow a set of written instructions detailing the route, finishing at Speights Alehouse in St Johns. This was a lot of fun as we traversed the local roads, crossing over and passing other cars on the route. I actually managed to take the wrong turn straight out of the driveway. Reading your route from a set of instructions turned out to actually be a lot harder that you think. The feed and comraderie at the end point was very enjoyable, especially on a wet and damp day. We had 4 350’s and a 300 attend this event.
Club AGM: This was held at The Union Post in Ellerslie where we had a room to ourselves. The club finances were approved and I (club president) presented my report for the past year. There was also time for questions from members. We had around 15 members attend the AGM.
The committee was re-elected and also a couple of new members added.
The committee as it stands:
President: Bernie Kant
Secretary: Murray Chapman
Treasurer: Jeanette Kant
Committee Members: Dale Maxwell
Steve Newenham
Anthony Baker
New Members to committee:
Jeff MacGroucutt
Grant Lee
Stuart Horne
I will be posting the Presidents report on the web site in due course.
Events coming up:
Shaun Moses Car Collection and Club BBQ: 23rd July
https://zclub.nz/events/shaun-moses-car-collection/ This is a members and members friends only event. You will need to register on the web site if you wish to attend this event. This is for catering reasons. This event is free to all attendees. Shaun has an interesting array of JDM cars with 2 x 300ZX’s in his collection. This is a must-do event.
Go – Karting: Sunday 18th September.
We have a solid booking for 15 people doing 3 sessions each. Although we still have to finalise details, I would suggest we would meet at the Hampton Downs café for lunch, before checking in at the go kart track at 1.30pm, racing starting at 2.00pm. The track and go karts have been described as the best karting experience you can have. Check our web site for final details, yet to be posted. You will have to register for this event.
Trial and Grub:
August details to follow.
How to get the best from your L- Series Engine:
Held on the 30th October details to follow
Rotorua Event:
To be held in November. This will be an overnight event. Details to follow.
Drag day:
To be held at the Meremere Drag Strip on the 22nd January 2023.
Mark this in your diary.
Pioneer Aviation:
Steve at Pioneer Aviation restores aircraft. Event will take place in his workshop at Ardmore Airfield. Details to follow and date still to be set.
Club Memberships:
My thanks to all those who have renewed their memberships. There are still a few people who have not yet done so, and have not advised me that they will not be renewing membership. I will shortly be sending out the final notices. Once I have finalized this, I will remove these non-renewals from our database, and they will not receive any more newsletters or notices from the club. However, events will be published on our website and on face book. Some events will be members only, with nonmembers unable to attend.
For Sale: 350Z Parts (new).
1. Full set of adjustable shocks and springs. (front and rear)
2. Front and rear heavy duty sway bars with adjustable link rods from Whiteline Performance Suspension
3. Pair upper suspension arms with ball joints.
4. Throttle body and throttle body spacer.
If you are interested in any of these parts, contact grahamr@kinect.co.nz
Club caps: I still have 5 of these available. Cost is $35.00 includes postage. Contact me bernie@profile-int.co.nz